Ashtanga workshop with certified teacher Govinda Kai // 12. - 15.09.2024

Date: Thursday, 12.09. – Sunday, 15.09.2024
Location: Huong Yoga shala, Frankfurt


Drop-in is possible for Mysore and led classes (price: see flyer).

About this workshop

In this workshop, we will have a daily Mysore practice under the guidance of Govinda Kai. In addition, there will be chanting sessions and talk about Yoga philosophy.


Thursday, 12.09.:
18:00-20:00h: Mysore practice
20:00-21:00h: Chanting*

Friday, 13.09.:
06:00-07:00h: Chanting*
07:00-08:30h: Led class
18:00-20:00h: Mysore practice
20:00-21:00h: Chanting*

Saturday/Sunday, 14./15.09.:
08:00-09:00h: Chanting*
09:00-12:00h: Mysore practice
14:30-17:30h: Philosophy/talk/Q&A and chanting

*Drop-in for chanting requires prior registration (free of charge for members of Huong Yoga; for all others a minimum donation of 5 Euro per class is suggested).

About Govinda

Govinda Kai is an experienced certified Ashtanga Yoga teacher. He has been practicing Ashtanga Yoga continuously since 1990, when he was introduced to the method. He has traveled to Mysore, India, many times during the past decades to study under the guidance of Pattabhi Jois, and was the first Yoga teacher of Kino MacGregor.

This is an exceptional opportunity to practice with and learn from one of the most senior Ashtanga Yoga teachers in the world, and it is the first time that Govinda Kai offers his teachings at the Huong Yoga shala. Don’t miss this unique experience!

A2Z-Retreat (Ashtanga Yoga to Zen) // 08. - 10.11.2024

Mit Zen-Meister Hyon Gak Sunim und Huong.

Datum: Freitag, 08.11. – Sonntag, 10.11.2024
Ort: Huong Yoga Shala, Frankfurt

Weitere Infos: siehe hier.

Achtung: Verlängerung des Frühbucherrabatts: Gilt bei Anmeldung und Bezahlung bis spätestens 30.09.2024 für die nächsten 5 Anmeldungen auf “first comes, first served”-Basis. Beeile dich!

Anmeldung: Bitte das Anmeldeformular ausgefüllt und unterschrieben an [email protected] schicken.





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