Charity-Workshop // 20.10.2024
Date: Sunday, 20.10.2024
Time: 08:30 – 11:30
Location: Huong Yoga Shala, Frankfurt
Typhoon Yagi hit Vietnam on 07.09.2024
About 200 people died and many buildings were destroyed in Vietnam after the super typhoon Yagi hit the country a few weeks ago.
My sister Phuong personally went to Lao Cai (one of the provinces which were hit very hard by the typhoon) to give support and hand out donations on behalf of my family, her friends and also her company. She also took photos and videos to document the current situation, which I would share with you in the workshop.
Here are a few examples of the destruction and calamities it caused:
- A bus with 30 people in it was swept away by the floods.
- A bridge collapsed in the floods, and the cars and people in it were carried away by the river; some of them were never found again.
- A whole village was flooded, leaving behind about 100 people dead.
- A mother was buried in the mud while holding her child.
I am so sad about the situation in Vietnam and would like to encourage you to support people who lost their families and homes to make sure they have at least food and shelter after this terrible desaster!
Om, Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu 🙏
We would like to ask for a donation of 50 Euros per participant. Depending on your situation, you can of course also give more or less.
Further information: see here.
A2Z-Retreat (Ashtanga Yoga to Zen) // 08. - 10.11.2024
Mit Zen-Meister Hyon Gak Sunim und Huong.
Datum: Freitag, 08.11. – Sonntag, 10.11.2024
Ort: Huong Yoga Shala, Frankfurt
Weitere Infos: siehe hier.
Achtung: Verlängerung des Frühbucherrabatts: Gilt bei Anmeldung und Bezahlung bis spätestens 30.09.2024 für die nächsten 5 Anmeldungen auf „first comes, first served“-Basis. Beeile dich!
Anmeldung: Bitte das Anmeldeformular ausgefüllt und unterschrieben an [email protected] schicken.
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- Wir empfehlen, eine Versicherung für die Teilnahme an Workshops abzuschließen (z.B. bei ERGO: siehe
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